

Aliens Gods History

Faith Foolish



In this section we will be breifly discussing Jesus, religion & spiritual science. We will briefly touch basis on a few subjects to ask some questions while hopefully answering others. It's very important to at least make an attempt to get out of the box that religion has placed man in. This is partially because of the box man has placed religion in. In no way is there to be a denial of science, but an acceptance of all forms of knowledge to form universal knowledge. Although this section is Christ centered, it's not to be considered promotion of "Christianity". Let this be an extention of the science section, as true spirituality is a science, not a man made religion. We do not promote spiritual racism, as many denominations do. We also do not promote total acceptance either. We do believe there is a divine truth. Those who are blinded by religion (especially non-believers who are sometimes more blinded by religion then those who are members of a religion) need not to look at this section, for it will waste their time. If you have no interest in the mysteries, then this section is not for you. If you are a religious person who wishes to promote the ignorance of a people then this also is not for you. If you don't believe in challenging the truth & finding out all we can as human beings then this section is not for you. Our goal is to know & understand what God said in the bible. It is to the best of our knowledge that God inspired more then just the 66 books man selected & calls the bible. This page is for those who think, & express their thoughts, which will often get ignored & even called blasphemy. When you stand on truth & facts, they will argue with you & state you're wrong. Let this be the proof that you are speaking as a vessel of truth. When Christ spoke the truth, they hung him on a tree for it. You are not a truth speaker if you don't have people who totally disagree with you & consider your thoughts & words to be evil & foolish. So speak the truth & live it.

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