David Windsands is an artist, musician, writer, & digital photographer.  His dreams are to change the world through his music & various messages portrayed in his art.  He has a strong desire to awaken the eyes of the blind, or simply to provide awareness to whoever will listen.  He or she who has an ear let them hear the message, & then proceed to do something about it.  Due to the urgency of this mission David does not have fun when doing his artwork.  Artwork is considered homework that must be done so that the next artwork can begin.  The only thing Windsands enjoys about his art is completion, this joy last for but a few moments & is faded away by the need to start or complete another project.  His life exists as project after project, with intermissions of reading & study to learn more  truth, which he will input into the artwork. 
One thing that David says often is that fun is overrated.  This is obvious when one gazes at his everyday life.  An example of this is how he really does not enjoy reading, but he reads everyday, because he needs the information inside that book, article or document.  David is only bored when he's outside or when he hangs out with his friends.  To him, being bored is a form of laziness & having no desire to excel in personal greatness or help others to evolve. 
He is an avid promoter of man achieving the highest peak of his (or her) personal greatness.  This can only be achieved by true islam (submission) to deity & a true honest knowledge of self.  This takes constantly renewing the mind & releasing of all negative energies.  One of the greatest forms of negative energy is doubt.  To doubt one's success is to insure one's demise. 
As the freemasons state, man is to be a free thinker & master builder of their own temple.  David Windsands attempts to assist as many others as possible in being their own master builders.  Although far from perfect, David tries his best to achieve his goals while assisting others to do the same. 
He believes himself to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Here are the various tools used by DWI:

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Premiere, Audition
3d Max, Smith Micro Poser, E-on Vue Xstream
Canon Eidos Digital Rebel, Canon Vixva
Kurzweil Pc3 Le, Alesis Fusion, M-Audio Nova Microphone, Epiphone Les Paul, Line 6 Pod
Sonar, Harbal
Microsoft Office, Snag it, Smartdraw
Windows Movie Maker

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